Congratulations to the following students for acquiring Autodesk Building Performance Analysis Certificate

Congratulations to the following students for acquiring Autodesk Building Performance Analysis Certificate

The recipient is now better prepared to apply building science concepts in the creation of high-performance buildings and put that knowledge into practice with Autodesk software such as Autodesk Revit, Vasari, GBS.

TOPICS: Intro to BPA, Climate, Energy Literacy, Sun and Shadows, Solar Radiation, Whole Building Energy Analysis, Airflow, Daylighting.

Anthony Sugiharto Wonodihardjo
Nina Estrella
Yurike Yap
Michelle Mimosa
Assan Conteh
Felicia Wagiri
Aaron Sutanto Putra
胡幼函 (台大建城)
Tereza Fronkova
Bastien Beth
Patrick Betzmeir
Marie-Paule Bouchetard
Maxime Julien