建築系陳嘉萍教授 指導學生Petr Danda 參加 「第三屆福德祠學生競圖」 榮獲佳作

由台中市政府擔任指導單位,台灣大方廣人文美學協會與戴育澤建築師事務所共同主辦的「第三屆福德祠學生競圖」活動,獲得海內外建築界與學界非常大的迴響。競圖基地位於台中市水湳生態經貿園區,作品來自九個國家共307件。參賽學生來自美國、日本、奧地利、西班牙、中國以及台灣。經過國內外評審們二階段嚴謹的評選之後,選出三件優秀的作品與15件佳作。主辦單位秉持「家鄉的土地公廟自己選、自己蓋」的理念,邀請大河里福德祠信徒代表及當地之民意代表,選出首獎作品。本次活動評審計有(依姓氏筆劃排列)王俊雄、汪荷清、林芳慧、陳永興、劉克襄、劉舜仁與國際知名建築師團 紀彥 Norihiko Dan。

Under the guidance of Taichung City government, Tai Square Art & Aesthetics Association and Tai Architects & Associates hosted the Third Earth God Temple Student Design Competition has received great support from both architectural professionals and the academia. The competition site is situated in the Taichung Gateway Park. An overwhelming three hundred and seven entries came from nine countries, including the United States, Japan, Austria, Spain, China, and Taiwan. The judges, comprising of urban planner, writer, professor, representative from AECOM and Cosmos Inc, and architects from Taiwan and Japan, have selected three finalists and 15 honorable mentions after a rigorous two-stage process. Based on the idea of “Choose and build your own neighborhood Earth God Temple”, community representatives and members of the temple vote collectively to select the top three winners.




【參賽作者】:Petr Danda





The concept of the temple is a dialog between the two existing challenges: How to reinterpret the traditional earth god temple in a city of the 21st century, and how to place it and convert it into a center of activity in the context of the city?

Besides its religious function, the temple offers a whole new activity platform to the city, ranging from farmers markets, art exhibitions, outdoor cinema, over lectures, workshops, concerts, theater-plays to religious events and musical festivals. The key to this multipurposity is the layout – 2 pavilions – temple pavilion and activity pavilion – connected through a plaza, which also acts as the pass through space between street and park, and the whole complex added by a stage. The facades are a system of movable bamboo pannels, providing free airflow but reflecting the sun. They can be moved in any configuration to open up, or totally closed to shade down the pavilions.The two pavilions are connected in the basement by storage and sanitary facilities, and by a linking bridge on the 2nd floor for a smooth circulation.
