建築系學生參加 「2013釜山國際建築設計工作營BIADW」,從來自歐洲與亞洲6個國家數十個隊伍中脫穎而出,分別榮獲 首獎【吳岱容、高禕禧、陳怡萍】與 三獎【陳雍、薛尹端、李健爽】

釜山國際建築設計工作營(Busan International Achitectural Design Workshop)是一個由韓國、中國、臺灣、杜拜、荷蘭和日本的16 所大學31個參與隊伍所組成的國際工作營,目的在針對都市空間再造進行國際交流。參與的每一組同學完成都市空間的設計提案後進行圖面與口頭報告,由國際評審委員評審選出得獎名單。

活動網站: http://biacf-dw.or.kr/xe/

活動主旨: Our important assignment in this global environment and under the post capitalism government is to propose an alternative idea for urban living space and to preserve local cultural heritage. Industrialism led us to a great remorse. Now we are impelled to reform our living space and our way of living in this post-modern era. Unlike Seoul, majority of Busan metropolitan area is occupied by underdeveloped and substandard housing that are inhabited by underprivileged. Despite many issues, this is the place where you can find the evidence of self-sustainable community and human touch. In addition, its unique geographical features and spatial organization offer great potential for new ideas and planning.

In this workshop, architects, professors and students from around the world come together and explore the possibility of this area as a new residential space with urban structures. It is our agenda to promote ideas of multiple perspectives that can be applied to Busan metropolitan city using case studies from around the world and team workshops. The results of this workshop will be more developed in Busan International Architectural Culture Festival of next year, and exhibited and published.

【first prize】


作品名稱:Turn around, share the ground

【third prize】


