葉芷婷、馬朗文、許禕洋與吳睿文同學參加『 2020 IDEA美國傑出工業設計獎』建築、公共空間榮獲銀獎、铜獎

【競賽名稱】: International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 美國傑出工業設計獎

【主辦單位】: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) , Herndon, USA







作品名稱:Cyclone Catcher


There are many Typhoons bring abundant rainfall and strong winds in summer and fall in Southeast Asia. In order to save those plenty of water and turn the fierce wind into energy. We designed “CYCLONE CATCHER” as a conceptual design, located on the flat land of the island, providing a solution to transform disasters into energy for some countries damaged by the typhoon.

We redesigned the blend scale and add many scaly-shaped open on the blend. Those two functions help avoid the damage caused by the strong wind. The opening open when the wind is too strong, and close to increase the wind resistance.





作品名稱:Santa’s Giftbox


This project was inspired by Santa’s gift box. For children, the small gift box is full of surprises and joy. If the playground design can be packed into a box, it will definitely bring a special play experience for children. And how to translate this idea into the space organization in the actual application of the project, we thought that it could be done by means of container transportation.

Each container gift box carries two-unit boxes, and each unit is composed of 5 functional blocks, which are directly transported to the required place and can be used directly after opening each unit. Each functional block can form a good fusion and penetration with other blocks while maintaining its own characteristics. After all, a very eye-catching and interesting playground come up.

Given that the standard six-inch container is 20 ‘* 8’ * 8.5 ‘, each functional block is designed as a specific square of 8’ * 8 ‘. This modular method is used in the late stage of the ageing of the playground equipment, and the whole unit box can be directly replaced with a new gift box. The children’s playground equipment can be renewed and the experience will be as surprise as the gift of Santa Claus.