蔡偉群同學參加『 2020美國傳達藝術年度設計及廣告獎』榮獲WINNER獎

【競賽名稱】: Communication Arts 美國傳達藝術年度設計及廣告獎

【主辦單位】: Communication Arts, California, USA


美國傳達藝術年度設計及廣告獎自1959年起由Communication Arts, California, USA創辦以來,每屆皆邀請世界各地優秀又有潛力的設計師及創意人一同參賽。傳達藝術獎將所有得獎作品都會刊登於十一月份出版的專刊內,以此獲得認證且被選為最好的視覺傳達作品,並銷售於全世界,能使參賽者的作品名揚國際。此項競賽也是全球設計界年度重要比賽之一。傳達藝術共有六個參賽類別,隨著獲獎作品線上出版、藝術創意總監、平面設計師、網頁設計師、撰稿人、攝影師和插畫家在這個比賽優先被全世界和潛在客戶發掘。




作品名稱:XIU – This book can be Weaving


「Taiwanese aborigines weaving book cover design」- “XIU” is the sound made when weaving. We directly display the weaving machine inside the book.by flipping through the book, you can simply experience the process of weaving.

Traditional weaving tools are large and have complicated processes, it is commonly difficult to experience. So we hope, by experiencing simple weaving processes, one can initiate “interest” during the process, therefore, thoroughly understand the culture of weaving.