建築系莊亦婷教授與李峻霖老師 指導學生參加 「芬蘭2049社會住宅國際學生競圖 」 榮獲 佳作 (陳竑賓、王一諾、Yan Aung)

競賽名稱: 芬蘭2049社會住宅國際學生競圖


ARA-Home 2049 competition is a concept competition where entrants are invited to submit not only individual design ideas but also overall concepts for housing of the future at the city block level. The purpose is to find innovative and unexplored housing solutions.

Social housings are developed all over Europe.  Briefly, it is affordable housing for low income persons and for those others that needs low-priced housing.  However, the problem with social housing developments around Europe and around the world is that sometimes the quantity is much more important than the quality of the lifestyles.  Although, newer developments are more sensitive to the residents of these social housings, it is just not enough.  Some of the social housings in Europe are all very similar in scale and organizations of their units.  For instance, most of them are flats or high rise buildings that lack active social environment, public outdoor spaces and most importantly, it lacks the response to individuals that dwell in these types of housing and their specific lifestyles.  In 2049, social housing can no longer be one design to fit for all. Instead, it must be a combination of design strategies that is suitable for each type of individuals and for its specific location.



作品名稱: Off the grid

得獎者: 陳竑賓、王一諾、Yan Aung

指導老師: 莊亦婷教授、李峻霖老師


本競圖以”Off the grid”題旨來回應芬蘭Lahti 2049社會住宅,我們認為現有芬蘭普遍的suburban house區域網格劃分型式已不足以支持未來的生活模式,社會住宅應該更著重於居民之間的互動以及與景觀的密切結合。

我們的核心策略是運用suburban house作為住宅設計的原型(prototype),順應不同族群(family, student, elderly, disabled)重新建立四種住宅單元。組織有機的動線形式,串起住宅之間更人性化的社交場域。基地內地景與服務設施的結合,營造了與環境共存的和諧社區型態。
