LAUGJER Marc Antoine            B8913019林幸娟



LAUGJER 馬克 安東莞

 出生於Manosque ,  1713  。死於巴黎,  1769


 Laugier 作為 詭辯家被培養了和受到 人類學人教育。 在 1744 年他去了巴黎和作為批評家和傳教士獲得譽。 但是, 在不知情地他不僅必須而且選擇離開 Jesuits 和作為報紙 de 法蘭西的編輯和在外交服務方面工作離開巴黎以後處於政治爭論捲入糾紛。  Laugier 是多產的並且除了以外的成功作者正是為他的 Essai  sur  l'建築學  ( 1753 ) 他被知道。 自從本世紀對於 一個返回一個古典明晰而非裝飾的開始以來有各種需求次序在哪裡功能。

        這長期已經理解希臘人架構(建築學)從木材架構演變而來了, 但是, 在 VITRUVIUS  Laugier 跟隨這些暗示提出作為的起源從 braches 樣式的原始棚屋古典寺廟- 以製造" 簡單自然界(性質)" 和原始的古物應該是建築師的標準的方法令人信服的圖像。 合理和老練渴望鄉村的這個結合對丙等18  近地軌道 -  古典主義 是中央的。 在其他人中間很廣泛閱讀和影響了 Laugier's 的論文 SOUFFLOT和  SOANE 。 為 LECORBUSIER ,  Laugier's 的原始棚屋是 afrequently 引證範例。


  b. Manosque, 1713; d. Paris, 1769.

    Influential   Neo-Classical   theorist.

Laugier was trained as a Jesuit priest and received a humanist education.

He went to Paris in 1744 and gained a reputation as a critic and preacher.

But after being unwittingly embroiled in political controversy

he not only had to leave Paris but opted to leave the Jesuits and worked as

editor of the Gazette de France and in the diplomatic service.

Laugier was a prolific and successful writer but

 it is for his Essaisur l'architecture (1753)

that he is best known. There had been various demands

since the beginning of the century for a

return to a classical lucidity where the

orders were functional rather than decorative.

It had long been understood that

Greek architecture had evolved from timber structures,

but following the hints in VITRUVIUS Laugier postulated the primitive

hut fashioned from braches as the origin of the classical temple - to make a

compelling image of the way in which "simple nature" and primitive antiquity

should be norms for the architect.

This combination of rational and sophisticated yearning for rusticity is central to

c18 Neo-Classicism.Laugier's essay was very widely read and influenced amongst

others SOUFFLOT and SOANE. For LECORBUSIER, Laugier's primitive hut was afrequently quoted paradigm.








Marc-Antoine Laugier, 'Primitive Hut' from Essai sur l'architecture, 1753





           Sharp, Dennis ed1982The lllutraed Encyclopedia of Architect and Architecture, New York: Whitney Library of Design. P92