詹姆士.懷斯 James Wines ( Oak Park,美國伊利諾州 1932 )





      With Alison Skyndeterminate Facade, Best Products Showroom.. ( 1974-75, Houston, Texas. )

      Notch Building, Bast Products Showroom. ( 1977, Sacramento, California. )

      Ghost Parking Lot. ( 1978, Hamden. )

      Tile Showroom, Bast Products Showroom. ( 1976-78, Towson, Maryland )

      Space Statiopn Video Games Center. ( 1983, New York. )

      Highway 86,Would Exposition. ( 1986, Vancouver, British Columbia )

      Four Continents Bridge. ( 1989, Hiroshima, Japan. )

      Avenida 5, Universal Exhibition. ( 1992, Seville, Spain. )

      Ross's Landing Plaza and Park. ( 1992, Chattanooga, TN. )


      Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani 1996 )," DICTIONARY OF 20TH -CENTURY

      ARCHITECTURE "LondonTHAMES AND HUNDSOP.362-363 Robert T. Packard. " ENCYLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE "New York AIA Balthazar Korab Mustration EditorP.992-994