Mies van der Rohe        

Farnsworth House          



對密斯而言,最好的設計應該是能夠以最簡潔的手法表現其內涵的本質.Mies 為求簡潔,省略了許多別人認為重要的部分,極端固執地尋求一種具有完美藝術造型的技術性產品.他一直致力於有關造型,結構,和使用的普遍性,而無意於追求特殊性的效果,只想探討一種普遍可以應用的解決辦法.

Mies發展出二種特別的建築型式:一 是由高層構架結構所造成高大立方體,而另一種是中間沒有柱子撐住屋頂的單層大空間.





1886      3月27日於德國.Aachen(Aix-la-Chapelle)
1897-1900   就讀Cathedral小學(Aachen)
1905      搬到Berlin
1905-1907   在Bruno Paul事務所見習
1907      獨立設計首座建築
1908-1911   受雇於Peter Bechren事務所
1912      設計Krollre house,The Hague,Holland
1912-1914   獨立設計建築於Berlin
1914-1918   服役於軍中
1919-1937   於Berlin繼續工作
1921-1925   為November-gruppe做展覽的指揮
1925      為Iehner Ring打基礎
1926-1932   首任Deutsher Werkbund副總裁
1927      設計Werkbund Exposition,Weissenhofsied
1929      設計German Section of the International
1930-1933   設計Bauhaus,Dessau and Berlin Building Exposition
1931      首度造訪美國
1938      移居美國
        設計Architecture of Armour Institute ,Chicago
        (Sine 1940,Illionis Institute of Technology)
1944      成為美國國民


Glasshouse with a steel frame





唯有隱藏的藝術(art of omission)才能將建築物真正的結構顯露出來,以達成乾淨的美感與純淨的精神。


Farnsworth House, a single-room glass house

Plano (Illinois), 1945-1950


這個集所有功能於一身的週末度假小屋位於四周有茂盛樹枝的草地上,居住空間則是在基地的最南邊面朝向著Fox River

屋頂板與樓地板是由八支鋼柱支撐離地面與玻璃圍繞四周。內部的則由primavera wood組成的服務設施區分開廚房、臥室、生活空間。


房子前面高起地面的平台成為連接草地與房子的中介,不同的高層由兩個階梯結合,階梯、平台、樓板的表面都用2x3呎的石灰華平板,所有露在外面的鋼材都漆成白色。透明的玻璃則由外面的自然山水上彩(The transparent sheets of glass can be screened by curtains of natural-colored shantung.)。房子的尺寸為77x29呎、平台55x22呎、室內高度為9.50呎以及柱子22呎。







Glasshouse with a steel frame


The columns are located outside so as to give infinite flexibility in internal arrangement. The construction of the roof slab depends on whether the columns are arranged along the two long sides of the house or all round its perimeter.

The use of steel and gives an uninterrupted view of the natural surroundings and enables the interior space to be projected outside. A pedestal of terrace in front of the building fits the house into the environment with a sense of belonging.

These steel-and-glass structures are set amidst the luxuriance of nature like crystals. Only the art of omission reveals the true structure of a building and reduce it to elements of pure beauty and pure spirit.


Farnsworth House, a single-room glass house

Plano (Illinois), 1945-1950


This week-end house with an all-one room first floor stands on a flat meadow between tall leafy trees. The living side faces the Fox River, which forms the southern limit of the site.

The roof and floor slab are raised above the ground by eight outside steel columns and enclosed by a glass skin. An inner core of natural primavera wood containing the service installation partitions off the kitchen, sleeping and living areas.

A raised terrace in front of the house forms a link with a lawn. The various levels are joined by two flights of steps. The steps, the terrace and the floor are faced with travertine slabs measuring 2x3 feet. All exposed steel elements are painted white. The transparent sheets of glass can be screened by curtains of natural-colored shantung. The dimensions of the house are 77x29 feet. The pedestal measures 55x22 feet and the interior is 9.50 feet high. The columns are placed 22 feet apart.